Mar 2, 2023
I homeschooled. I remember March, and I was tired. From December to May is the longest stretch of the year. The finish line approaches, but you aren't there yet. You need a break, badly. How can you hang in there and finish well?
My guest this week was Jennifer Henn, a veteran homeschool mom. You might inform your...
Jul 8, 2020
Terri Gillespie, speaker for Savvy Homeschool conference shared how she struggled with that huge decision.
She's a speaker for Savvy Homeschool Conference
The conference goes from July 30 - August 1, 2020. Early Bird registration ends SOON
Oct 18, 2019
The homeschool movement started just after I married, and the idea fascinated me. I wanted to do it myself, but I gave birth to my third child about the time my oldest would have started kindergarten. Homeschooling with an infant seemed impossible, so I put my daughter in our church school.
What a big mistake! My...