Oct 26, 2018
Cynthia Cavanaugh and Andrea Tomassi have opened their hearts with their devotional on living boldly. They cover all aspects of life including being open, prayer, communing with God, and forgiving.
Oct 19, 2018
Understanding Personalities can help you make friends and keep them. Linda Gilden gives tips on finding friends as she discusses her new book, Linked. You can find Linda at www.lindagilden.com
Oct 12, 2018
Have you ever met someone who talked nonstop? You couldn't get a word in? Everyone dislikes that. The Bible says to be quick to hear and slow to speak, but listening is hard. Becky Harling shares tips from her newest book on how to listen well.
Oct 5, 2018
MJ Nixon shares how she broke free from homosexuality. You can find her group at https://uprootedheart.com/. Watch her documentary at https://heresmyheartdocumentary.com/