Apr 17, 2020
Prodigal: One lady told me she wished she had raised fish instead of being a parent. She worked so hard raising her children only to be disappointed when they became adults.
A prodigal brings blinding heartache and a lot of problems. For moms who navigate this, I brought author Lori Wildenberg to give advice. She wrote:...
Apr 10, 2020
While our nation pauses for this nasty virus, we'll still be celebrating Easter, which is the most important holiday of the year. Praise God, we serve a risen Savior, not one made of wood or stone.
Author Terri Gillespie offered wonderful images from Passover to share with your family.
He is Risen! He is Risen...
Apr 3, 2020
With Covid-19 racing across our nation, homeschool moms need a plan to teach if they get sick. My guest this week, Judy R Slegh, offered great ideas to keep your kids learning when you aren't 100%.