Jun 25, 2021
Sometimes I wish I was still in school and getting report cards. Good grades meant I measured up. The Bible says we should be holy as God is holy, and that's a huge assignment.
Author Erica Wiggenhorn doubted herself too and wrote the book, Letting God Be Enough. Erica gave us a glimpse of her journey overcoming her...
Jun 18, 2021
Do you feel close to God? Are there times when the Lord seems a million miles away?
Lynne Rienstra believed she had to perform to please God, and she often felt alone. She explained her journey to a warm relationship with the Lord and now she helps other women.
Jun 11, 2021
In June, we are focusing on a mother's heart. Are you struggling
with negative thoughts and fear?
My guest this week was Carole
Leathem. She has walked through incredible pain with her
husband's illness. However, she found joy in the middle of pain.
(God will use all things for the good of those who love him.) We
Jun 4, 2021
The theme for June is a Mother's heart, and a mother's heart
should be wise. We can gain wisdom from the Bible and from older
My guest this week was an older woman, Maggie Wallem Rowe. She just
completed a book called This Life We Share, which is
full of godly...